




The opening prayer was said by Mr. Francis Amoako of St. Theresa’s Catholic Church.


Coach Benjamin Annor welcomes everyone into the meeting. He begins by stating that, there are rules and regulations governing every competition and if we compete according to the rules and regulations, we always come our victoriously. Though we are here to play football or soccer; we have an objective as to why we do what we are doing now; and that our main goal is to use sports to wins souls for Christ. He quoted 1 Corinthians 9:4; which says “Have we not power to eat and to drink?

On the day of commencement of the Church league, there will be a word of exhortation and sharing of the Word of God “Holy Bible”.  Gospel Tracts will distribute to supporters and spectators alike, in doing so we are committing ourselves to share the Love of God (Goodnews) to the unsaved any before the matches commences.


Zoning of Teams: Twenty Churches pick up forms but only sixteen Churches actually have fully completed and submitted these forms to our office. Churches are going to be zoned with regards to proximity. Matches will be played according to zones and each zone will play on weekends. The two best teams that tops each group will be grouped again and play until the league is over.

Player Registration Cards: After the player registration forms are completed, the details of the player will be transferred onto a hard paper registration form and laminated, a copy of the card will be given to each Church Team.

League Fixtures: When the League is launched, fixtures will be made and handed over to each Church Coach.

League Point System: In addition to points won at the field of play, additional points will be awarded and it includes the following areas.

Respect for Team Mates: Points will be awarded for the teams that show respect and well behavior towards each other on the field of play and afterwards.

Sportsmanship: Points will also be awarded to teams that show good sportsmanship.

Respect for Coaches/Officials: Points will be awarded to teams that show respect to officials and complies with the lay down rules and regulations.

Self Control and Discipline: Points will be awarded to disciplinary teams and officials.

Dressing/Character: Points will be awarded to teams that dresses decently, behaves properly and exhibits Christian character, conduct and discipline both on the field of play and outside the field of play. It’s our aim to have all teams and officials portray themselves as true Christians, displaying high sense of godly morals, neatness and decency before and afterward.

Match arrival: Points will be awarded to teams that will arrive on time at the field of play during each match day.

Meeting of RFS Church Sports League Representative

Coaches’ Behavior: Points will be awarded to team’s Coaches that display exemplary manner of behaviorism leadership and Christian discipline.

Coach Benjamin Annor said we are not just playing football matches but we are as well announcing to the outside world that Christians can play football for fun and also as a tool to win souls for Christ and disciple them.

There will be a lot of awards to be given out for deserving and qualify winners on that day; notable amongst them are the best support base, best player, best goal keeper, best coach, best goal, goal king and others.


Coach Benjamin Annor made it known to all Church Representatives that Church League will take off on the 27th of April 2019; therefore participating churches should plan to attend the launching ceremony together with their Coaches, players and some elders from their respective churches.


The Church representative meeting came to a close at about 12: 00pm; midday after prayer was said by Edward Agyapong, Secretary of Rescue Sports Foundation.

RSF Report.

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