Sports and Evangelism:
In many places, what stands between youth and the gospel is a shield of post-modern skepticism. In others, it is a wall of cultural and national opposition to Christianity. But there are few barriers a soccer ball cannot breach.

RSF team use camping and sports outreach on nearly every where to share the love of Christ with the youth people groups in our communities unreached, Churches and families. Summer camps during world Cup, basketball camps in other communities, soccer games among the local Churches in our communities — each opens hearts and minds to discipleship in ways traditional church ministry sometimes cannot. Our sports and outreach mission often complement and work in conjunction with other ministry initiatives, such as church planting, community network, education and community development.
Click below to explore our current opportunities for service in Sports Ministry. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please share your ideas with us. We want the message of Jesus Christ to go forth in new ways and would love to help you start your missionary journey.
- An estimated half of the global population watches the World Cup tournament, making soccer one of the greatest shared interests in the world.
- Service opportunities include Christian camps, school athletics management, sports camps and youth programs is an open for effective ministry. Come along and network with us. Will be glad to work together with you.

Learn more about RSF’s ministry in this area through our stories, videos and photos of God working in us and with us in our communities and in our world.
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Always grateful.
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