
My assistive Device

Mr. Isaac Obeng Story

Mr. Isaac Obeng

My assistive device, which was a caliper once got broken and I had to walk on the ground, with the grace of God, I had crouches, which helped me walk. Besides, I cannot recall how the condition began but I can remember that, in a conversation with my mom one day, she gave me insight into how I became mobility impaired. According to my mom, at a tender age, I felt ill and due to an injection given to me at the hospital, I ended up becoming disabled. My mom looking at all directions and no help for my survival. In conversation with my grandmother one day she advice my mother she should ignore and dump me somewhere since there has not been any disabled person in our family. Nevertheless, as a mother, my mother rejected the idea from my grandmother and stood firm her ground and fought for me to live.

My parents were not willing to enroll me in education, my sibling were the only people going to school, and according to my father; he cannot cater to my education since my abled siblings are not even catered for.

With my ambition of going to school since I was brilliant than all my siblings, my parents at the age of ten (10), enrolled me in school but never gave me money for food, school uniforms, transport, and even money for books. I had to fund myself in school by involving in the weaving of kenten (a waved basket in Ghana) which assisted me in the completion of Junior High School.

Emphatically, in six months I became a mastery in knowing how to repair television and radio. No one helped me in my sessions of apprenticeship so I once again engaged in maize farming, repairing my neighbor’s television and radios so I can earn amount for my livelihood and transport to go work.

With my little experience in repairing televisions and radio, I can now repair phones and a lot of electrical gadgets. With my God-given talent, I can make all kinds of shoes and sandals.

Isaac Obeng a physically challenged man from Dormaa in the Bono region of Ghana

Mr. Isaac Obeng

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