Date: 6th Match 2019

Names of Churches at Meeting
Mensah Kofi John Modise – Christ Redeemer Church Int.
Bilam Stephen – Christ redeemer Church Int
Richard Owusu Ansah –
Joseph Asiamah –Twelve Apostles Church
Adjei Samuel – St. Theresa’s Catholic Church
Francis Amoah – St Theresa’s Catholic Church
Agyiba John – St Theresa’s Catholic Church
Rt Rev Dr Comfort D, Adu – Gospel Promotion Ministries
Isaac Osei Owusu – Unity Assemlies of God
Rex Asibuo – PSS Ghana creative Agency
Asamoah Collins – Victory Baptist Church
Kwadwo Kwakye Jacob – House of Faith Ministries
Alex Akrashie – House of Faith Ministries
Ike – House of Faith Ministries
Keith Otchere – Family Chapel Int
Emmanuel Appiah – Family Chapel Int
Aggrey Bernard – Family Chapel Int
Micheal Asiedu Kwarteng – Inner Peace Chapel
Asamoah Emmanuel – Kings Destiny Church
George Atta Boakye – Calvary Love Assemblies of God
Prince Osei Sarpong – Kessben Sports
Opening Prayer
The opening prayer was said by Bro. Edward Agyapong at 10:30 am before the agenda of the day commenced.
Introductory Address
Coach Benjamin Annor chaired the meeting for the day. He began by saying that football is a game but what we play for, and why we choice to play are what matter most important to us. Churches League is about playing football but our main vision is to win souls for the Lord through sports. Sports is all about showing to the outside world that people can play football to the highest level yet having Christ Jesus as their only personal and dependant savoir in their hearts and life and most importantly winning souls for Christ through the language of sports.
Afterwards, introduction of Churches representatives by name was done the Chairman officially welcome everyone to the meeting. Mr. Atta Poku from Kessben FM Sports also welcomed all participating churches on behalf of his organization. He said that the Churches League is a very special event that will help unearth special talents in the church, he went on to say that, it is not everyone in the church that knows how to sing, or can preach when given the pulpit but the Church League will give the opportunity to many, especially the youth to showcase their talent, allow to be nurtured to be able to rise to the top and make a different. Our Church teams have the potential to bring positive change in our national football here in Ghana.
Word of Encouragement
Bishop Comfort Adu of Gospel Promotions Ministries gave the word of exhortation, from the book of 1Timothy 4:7-8.
She went on to say that in this era, there are a lot of things that unites people and football is one of them. Football draws people from ungodly things like gambling, theft and so on. We have to save this generation from condemnation with the Gospel through vehicle of sports. We have to focus on the youth by sharing what they enjoy most with great interest and repackage the language of sports in a godly manner that will attract then positively to accept the goodnews of salvation in Christ Jesus our Lord. We have to disciple them and turn them to be disciple makers. She said “why am I linking football to the gospel of Jesus Christ”, these two events draws crowed from different aspect of life together. Football is a game of love and passion; and should be play with love of God and love for our neighbor in other not to intentionally hurt someone on the field of play. She concluded by saying, a healthy mind lives in a healthy body, Bishop Comfort Adu said, she believes the Church League will unearth talents that will glorify God and edify one another in the spirit of love and unity in both our local churches and communities.
Coach Benjamin Annor added and said once we have love of God inside us, we will compete with love and in harmony towards each other.
Introduction of RSF Organizers and Invited Guest.
The officials of RSF and other invited guest especially Rev Vincent Asamoah were introduced by Mr. Edward Agyapong
Rev. Vincent Asamoah said the Church League is not about football, but it’s a tool to achieve a desirable aim of winning souls and making disciples for the Lord. He said, sports is a tool that brings about unity among people, football helps people to settles their differences and unite them for a common goal. He added, the Church league is to honor God, therefore let us all play according to the rules of the game. All churches participating should seek to honor Christ in the field of play from the beginning to the end; likewise our attitude on the field of play should speak well as Christians that honors God in everything we do at home, Church and on playing ground.
Coach Benjamin, the chairman of the meeting said our main purpose of initiating and organizing the Church league is to win souls for Christ and to advance the course of the kingdom of God.
Launching of Church League.

The Church League 2019 was officially unveiled by Bishop Comfort Adu and Rev. Vincent Asamoah by word of prayer and reading of the Holy Scriptures for a good seasonal event and it success.
Other Matters.
League Point System
Aside points that is being won on the field, there are additional points that is won off the field, these areas include Respect for Team mates, Good Sportsmanship, Respect for Coaches, Self control/Discipline, Dressing/ Character development, Time for Match arrival, Coaches behaviorism. Prizes will be awarded to players in the categories such as best player, best goal keeper, top scorer, best goal and also best coach.
Participating Churches were group into four sections according to their location. In a group, all the teams will play each other in a day, the duration for each game was agreed to be forty minutes (40), that is twenty minutes for each half and every team is entitled to five substitutions in a particular match. The official date for the commencement of the league will be 27th April, 2019 but fixtures will be made on the same day before kickoff.
Here are the grouping of the Church League
Calvary Love Assemblies of God
Christ Apostolic Church
Unity Assemblies of God
Christ Redeemer Church
Family Chapel
Twelve Apostles
Victory Baptist Church
Pentecost International Worship Centre
Active Believers Chapel
Harvesters Evangelistic Ministries
Kings Destiny Church
Gospel Promotions
House of Faith
Inner Peace Chapel Int.
Come Preach Christ
St. Teresa’s Catholic Church
Participating churches also expresses their expectations and the benefits of impact that the local Churches will have on the lives of the players. They also have the opportunity to brag about their opponent when they face each other.
The Church league launching came to a close at about 13:05pm with a word of prayer from Bishop Comfort Adu.
Poku Mensah Adjei – Secretary
Coach Benjamin Annor – Chairman.